Archive | May, 2011

Zumba post #2 Plus sizes

3 May

I really don’t want to bring this up.. but there is a point to make: I went to have a facial- it was a Living Social coupon half price deal. I arrived in my ZUMBA outfit, straight and sweaty after a class. I felt free of toxins, embarassingly tacky, but glad to have the face done.

The technician told me ‘I do my Zumba at home with a DVD because I am too big to go to a class”. PLEASE…. I thought, one of the most happy results of ZUMBA FITNESS is to see how the gals who come in loose, comfortable work out clothes start to SHRINK after a few weeks of classes! Truly, it is the most amazing metamorfosis!!!

If you happen to be a gal/guy who is size PLUS.. do not shy away from coming to ZUMBA class. You will be so rewarded! If you avoid sugar and fats.. if you follow a healthy diet of  no fried, no bacon, no white flour, just whole wheat, lots of water, some protein, and green, yogurt, healthy foods.. plus ZUMBA FITNESS.. YOU WIll shrink and your body will change sizes. It is amazing to see how these gals shrink after a few weeks. IT is not a diet. It is a way to be strong and healthy. PLUS, it is fun!! I hope you come to my classes beginning at Advent on May 26. Wear something you feel comfortable moving around in.. it can be loose or tight, just as long as you feel ready to DANCE!!

I have some great music ready. ZUMBA requires 70% to 80% Latino… we will have some warm up, followed by dance and cardio; then comes cool down. All is fun music and ends before you are ready. Believe me, I was 100% opposed to exercise. It was too boring for me! But, with ZUMBA, I let loose to dance and you will too!

Cost: At Advent we are reviewing the cost. For now, the first class is free. After that is $5.00 per class, with a punch card for 10 classes @ $40. I am contemplating making changes such as: one night per week that is always free, or other options. I have to talk to the head of CLC Advent activities to confirm. YOU come and we shall see what evolves!!