Tag Archives: Memphis

The Grace Card

19 Mar

Have   you seen the film “The Grace Card”?  It was filmed here in Memphis; a project of one church. The story is predictable but moving. I went to see it because a student of mine at the University of Memphis plays the part of the teenage son. There are no dancing scenes, but there is plenty of dancing through life. I hope you can see it and send comments.

There is always a reason

29 Sep

While dancing in front of the mirrors in Zumba this week, I remembered spending hours in front of a similar mirror in my leotard and tights, as a little girl. I danced several hours per week, increasingly, from age 3 to 14. Dance has been a theme, albeit not consistent, in my life. Then, I remembered a phone call I received from my 98 year old ballet teacher, about 15 years ago:, “Kathy, I have enjoyed your letters and think you should write a book. And, when you do, you should call it, Point your little toe. You can talk about everything you want to talk about, but this needs to be the title.” I was so surprised to hear from her and laughed at the idea, but definitely appreciated her call! Now, I am taking her advice to heart!

While mindlessly attempting to follow our Zumba instructor, a list of people, random dance memories, places, styles, music and venues began to drift through my consciousness. Ideas were gyrating and so was I. And, I suddenly felt one of those epiphany moments: Dance has truly been a part of MOST of my life! How many priceless memories do I have that happened because of my love for dance? I began to feel grateful to God for using DANCE in so many wonderful ways, in spite of my lack of awareness! There could be at least a dozen or more chapters for a book if I made one for every different dance or place. Crazy ideas, I thought.  A blog would be much better than a book because I can post video, music, pictures and write when the ‘spirit moves’.

So, if I am clearly articulating my purpose, I just told you the reason for this blog. One disclaimer: I am no professional. Dance is only my hobby, but I am, by writing this blog, deciding to give it a higher regard; to esteem it more; to be thankful for it and to express this! I think I have underestimated the benefits and good it has had in my life. Therefore, this blog, as are many, is a personal study of my relationship with dance! We will say that Point your little toe begins in 1955 and ends when it ends, after 2010.

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ for you.”  I Thess. 5:18